Matters of matter: future materials in science education (MoM)
MoM is a KA2 schools to schools partnership 2014-2017. The partner schools are from Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Germany. The focus of the project is how to use the new and innovative materials that are just now being developed around the world to innovate and enhance science teaching at high school level with a hands-on, IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Education) and PBL(Problem Based Learning) approach. Watch the video
Students will research new and innovative materials, from nano and smart materials to sustainable ones. They will design experimental protocols to link and embed within the Physics and Science curricula. They will also implement science experiments within school labs and boost their creativity in devising new possible applications of such materials.
The students will work in international teams both at distance, through ICT tools, and live during the short mobilities. The results will be disseminated locally, within the surrounding schools, the general public, industries and community, as well as internationally, among the EU science teachers community.
At the end of the project, in the Summer of 2017, a Summer School for teachers’ professional development will be organised in Italy to provide further dissemination in a teachers to teachers approach. All the didactical materials produced will be available under Creative Commons as OER (Open Educational Resources).