

Click on the photo to read, or download the articles as PDF

Kick off of MoM project, Italy

MoM Logo: the winner download PDF here

Projeto MOM nos jornais download PDF here CatturaPTT 








MoM as best Practice of Erasmus+ KA2 Click on the photo
gazzetta di modena del 25 gennaio 2015

Luce oltre la luce – Open night in Pavullo – Outreach and hands on exhibition on light interacting materials Click on the photo


Scatti di scienza – Photo contest winners with new materials in Milano Click on the photo
Primapagina 1 maggio scatti di scienza

LAB et LUMIERE- IYL and experiments with new materials at Modena University Click on the photo
prima pagina 9 giugno 2015 polarimetro

Europe Day 2015 @ Cavazzi Click on the photo
primapagina 11 maggio 2015 si parla di Europa

MoM  students at Trieste Mini Makers Faire  hosted  by the Abdus Salam International Center  of Theoretical Physics  Click on the photos

primapagina 4 maggio 2015 trieste

About MoM project Click on the photo

“Il futuro dei materiali passa dal “Sorbelli”. Pavullo, i liceali rappresentano l’Italia al progetto europeo Matters of Matter”
restocarlino 4 giugno 2015

Back from Ireland Mobility Click on the photo


IYL- Photonics for girls initiative. On show @ISIS Cavazzi some of MoM applications and materials Click on the photo

primapagina_8ottobre2015_ricercatori per un giorno

Bringing MoM to the regional Makers faire- Rimini Click on the photo


articolo prima pagina 20 novembre 2015 pag. 20

MoM students at Expo elettronica Modena 2016 Click on the photo

expo elettronica2 febbraio 2016 pag.20

Arduino and coding  at the Municipal Library- MoM students act as tutors Click on the photo


MoM project  on show at the Open Day of Cavazzi Sorbelli Click on the photo


“Changing lives, opening minds” Teachers Professional developement on EU opportunities in education @ Cavazzi Sorbelli Click on the photos

nuova prima pagina 12 febbraio 2016 pag. 20 i professori si mangiano in salsa piccante il resto del carlino articolo i professori si mangiano in salsa piccante martedì 9 febbraio 2016 pag. 17

German mobility for Cavazzi Sorbelli students Click on the photo


MoM 1st National  Science Fair on new materials Click on the photo


MoM Tweet by Scientix

scientix ambassador

MoM International Teachers Summer School  Announced Click on the photo


MoM Project in OggiScienza 11 May 2017 “STEM in Europa, a che punto siamo?”


MoM SonS AWARD at Superquark  RAI TV 16 August 2017

MoM quark

More on SonS2017 Award



MoM Summer school Gazzetta di Modena 1/9/2017

scuola estiva