
MoM @ Scatti di Scienza 2017-Milan

May 29, 2017 - Uncategorized
MoM @ Scatti di Scienza 2017-Milan


MoM’s and first year students in Milan for “Scatti di Scienza 2017″, the yearly contest in Milan organized by “Scienza under 18″ association and Orto Botanico di Brera.

The contest focus on the use of media (videos and pictures) in Science education.

IIS Cavazzi students were selected with their work on new materials among  more than 3000 participants.

The winners:

Polimero_superassorbente_in_fase_di_crescita Poster_Polimero_superassorbente_in fase di crescita

The pictures were taken with an home made microscope  (made out of a low cost plastic lense plus smartphone) by first year students. In the context of MoM project dissemination in fact more and more students in the school have been involved in curricular and extracurricular Science activities with new materials.

SAP polymers, also known as “solid rain” may be the key to water scarceness management in agriculture. Due to their capacity to absorb  water up to 500 times their weight, they work as precious reservoirs.

poster_superspugna MoM_Microscopio Microottica_microscopio microottica  IMG-20170308-WA0146